Personality test

Create opportunities based in yourself

Are you mostly aware of challenges, or do you more often see the opportunities? Who in the team have the overview or can execute, while others get the good ideas? These are just some of the qualities that the Big5 personality test can help to clarify.

Big5 is a normative test type and the golden standard of personality psychology, which measures the person by the five factors within which a person’s personality varies. The test person is given five results that can broadly describe that person and his or her way of behaving throughout life. One’s personality trait is not something that changes, but tells something about how the test person is and basically acts.

Based on the results of the test, we enter into a dialogue about how the test person experiences the results and how these are experienced in relation to the individual’s way of working together, dealing with stressful situations or maintaining calm and overview etc. The conversation can be used by the individual to create new opportunities for themselves based on their own traits. A test with Big5 can also be used in the work of establishing a new team or further developing an existing team. Big5 can also be used for recruiting purposes.

By using Big5, you get a Certified Partner that you can use to:

  • Open to new ways and tools in relation to your own life (Read more: Coaching conversations)
  • Begin a dialogue about e.g. ways to interact with colleagues and partners
  • Further develop a team whether it is in the startup or established (Read more: Team Coaching)
  • Get qualified sparring when hiring new colleagues