From feedback to action: How to create real change

Feedback is not just about solving problems – it is an opportunity to strengthen collaboration, create greater engagement and improve your culture. By taking small steps and implementing action, you create a workplace where development and improvement are a natural part of everyday life.
We need time to incorporate feedback into our behavior and self-perception. This is because feedback typically requires change, and people are generally not good at changes. Even those who are open to feedback get worn out by an abundance of constructive criticism. A feeling of feedback fatigue can arise.
When you search for synonyms for feedback, a wide range of positive words such as advice and guidance appear. This is precisely the spirit in which feedback should be used, so that it creates a fertile ground for change and development.
Getting feedback from employees is inevitable, but the real value lies in how we use what we back to create change. Here are some simple, effective steps to turn employee input into action – and create a workplace where everyone feels heard and valued.
1. Listen sincerely – without judging
Feedback only works when it is taken seriously. Many employees may be reluctant to share honest experiences if they think it will be met with defense or indifference.
Listen with an open mind and show that you take their words to heart. This requires that you listen without immediately finding answers or excuses. This is not about who is right or what is right. Ask about what is being said and show that you acknowledge their perspective. You can do this, for example, by asking open-ended questions and also asking about the effect and importance the topic has for the employee.
2. Translate feedback into clear, measurable actions
Many managers receive feedback, but often it ends up in an idea bank that is never followed up on. Make a plan! Set concrete goals and deadlines so that both you and the employees can see how their feedback leads to actual changes. For example, if there is feedback about lack of communication, the action could be regular updates on project status or an open dialogue about expectations.
Where in step 1 you asked open questions, the word ‘how’ is a key word here, so that together you take ownership to ensure the desired change.
3. Follow up and adjust regularly
Following up is one of the most important, but often overlooked, parts of the process. Once a year is not enough at all – create a routine to follow up, see what works, and adjust the things that need fine-tuning. How often do you follow up on your projects and KPIs? The development of the collaboration should have the same focus.
By showing employees that there is progress, you build trust and show that their input has value. At the same time, you make it clear what each of you contributes to the dialogue, to the task and to the change.
4. Create a culture where feedback is the norm
Make feedback a natural part of your workplace. When it becomes an integral part of your culture, employees will feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts. This can be done by encouraging regular conversations that focus on how things can be improved – not just when problems arise.
Interested in learning more?
Have you tried, but are still having trouble creating constructive collaboration around your feedback and development discussions? Get in touch and find out more about how you can learn more about different ways of listening and translating advice into action.